Friday, March 4, 2011

Achieve Success @ SMART Goals

Make SMART Goals to achieve success.

S – Specific or Significant

• M – Measurable or Meaningful

• A - Attainable or Action-Oriented

• R - Relevant or Rewarding

• T - Time-bound or Traceable

To understand the SMART process of Goal setting, let us take an example of a sales person who wants to achieve success in generating more leads and sales.

The goal should be specific or significant; which means that the purpose of the goal should be clear. The sales person should be specific about how many sales she/he wants to make in a month. Let’s say, she/he wants to make 100 sales in a month.

The goal should be measurable or meaningful; which means that it should be meaningful. The sales person should analyze, how much measurable is this goal of achieving 100 sales in a month is? Does it make any sense, or will making 100 sales in month will bring further profit to the company? Or should she/he should try for more sales in a month?

The third important concept is, whether the goal setting is attainable or action oriented. The sales person should analyze that whether the sales goal of 100 sales per month is attainable in a month period of time. If not, then what other strategies she/he need in order to attain that goal within a month period of time?

How much relevant or rewarding is the goal. The sales person should analyze, whether the goal is relevant or rewarding. Will achieving this goal will fulfill the organizations purpose? What and how much would be the output or outcome by putting this goal into effect?

Finally, the goal should be time bound or traceable. The sales person should have a time management or schedule in order to complete the 100 sales within a period of one month. She/he should be tracking daily and weekly sales, in order to get an average of sales per day achieved; So that strategies could be built in order to complete the process in the given time frame.

SMART goals always helps in achieving success, whether in academics, business, or in any other dimensions of planning in life.

- Kaushik Sarkar