Lost girlfriend or boyfriend? Failed job interview? Misunderstanding occurred among friends, family, and other social elements? One of the major reasons for this might be a bad communication flow of information among the persons.
Let’s go through the concept of “Effective Communication Flow Process”, with an example of effective communication between a sender (Interviewer) and a receiver (Interviewee). During the message sending stage of the communication process, the sender encodes the message to be sent. Message Encoding means, to convert the message to be send in a format that the message receiver may understand the sender’s massage. This encoded message may be written, verbal, visual, or sound. Suppose the interviewer asked the interviewee over the telephone, what makes you think that you are the right candidate for this job?
Now this encoded message needs a channel to travel to the message receiver. The channel is the medium through which the encoded message travels to and fro between the sender and the receiver.In this case the channel is the telephone line.
Now when this message reaches the receiver, then she/he decodes the message, which means interpreting the meaning of the message in her/his words. This decoding process is one of the major phases of the communication process. If the message receiver haven’t decoded or understood the meaning of the message correctly, then misunderstanding or misinterpretation of the received message may occur. This misunderstanding or misinterpretation of the received message is the major reason of the effective communication failure between the sender and the receiver. So the sender has to know, which encoding method or how and in which the message form should be send or presented to the receiver, that she/he may be able to decode or understand the actual meaning of the senders message. Suppose say that the interviewee understood the meaning of the message or question of the interviewer, and gave back a positive answer.
During the feedback stage of the communication process, the message receiver send back a response message to the sender, about the message that she or he decoded or understood. If the sender receives the right feedback from the receiver, for the message that she/he send to the receiver, then the overall communication flow is a result of successful effective communication flow between both the sender and the receiver. Suppose say that, the interviewer received the correct feedback or reply that she/he was expecting to hear from the interviewee.
So in this example of the interview process, the communication flow was effective, because both the sender send a encoded message to the receiver, which was understood correctly by the receiver. In return the receiver sends back a positive feedback to the sender, which the sender was expecting. This feedback confirmed the sender that the receiver understood the meaning of the message send to her/him.
Similar kind of success can be achieved in all other different phases of life, whether corporate, love and relationships, or social life.
– Kaushik Sarkar