Saturday, February 12, 2011

Achieve Success @ Teamwork, Not Group Work

What’s the basic difference between a team and a group? A Group is just a cluster of people who have formed a union to complete a task. A Team is also a cluster of people just like a group, but with a basic difference. The difference is about the sharing and understanding of a common goal by each of the members forming within that union called team, and working together to achieve the ultimate target.

Take an example of a basketball team. All the players have formed a union to achieve a common goal or objective of winning the match against their opposite team. This common aim binds each of the team members together to perform a common task together. This is an integral part of a team work.
To work towards achieving that goal, each of the team members should know their role and responsibilities. Like the players among themselves should know , that who is going to check which of the opponent player during the match; or which player should be given the maximum pass as she/he is a good shooter.

Communication or interaction plays the next vital role among the team members. The flow of communication should be well synchronized among the team members. Each member of the team should know what the other team member wants to say. Now in a game of basketball, the motion of the whole match is so fast, that if the communication among the players lacks weakness then they may easily loose the match. If one player doesn’t understand the body or sign language of the other team player, then the opponent team players may take this advantage and shift the winning score towards their side.

Trust is that chain, which binds all the team members together. Suppose one team member has a doubt for the other team member, then this mistrust can be quite fatal for the whole team. If player A mistrust about the efficiency of player B in a team, and don’t pass the ball in time, then the whole sequence of passing the ball and taking it near the goal to shoot may fail. As a result the team may lose a winning score. Each team members should know and trust each other’s skills and talents, in order to achieve their ultimate goal.

Despite of all the above positive factors like, working for the common goal or objective, knowing one’s role and responsibilities, good communication among team members, and trust; many times a conflict happens among the team members. In this situation the role of an effective Leader comes in. Team leader is that team member , who has all the above mentioned skills better than her/his team members, and knows how to synchronize the whole team together to make it work together in achieving the common goal of the team. The team Leader understands the skills of each of the team members and treats everyone equally. Suppose say, If a conflict occurs among the basketball players of a team during the match, then the efficient team captain would discover the issue of the conflict and solve it diligently, by giving the right direction to her/his team members; so that the team can again perform efficiently to achieve the ultimate goal, which is winning the match.

All these above mentioned factors are not a part of a group work. That’s why working as a team is more effective as compare to working as a group.

- Kaushik Sarkar